Since the department was created, all graduates who wish to do so have found jobs directly related to their area of training.
40% are hired before leaving INSA and 70% find jobs no later than two months after graduating. Over 50% of graduates have a yearly gross salary of more than €35,000 (excluding benefits).
Our graduates are hired in a number of sectors, including:
- Operators and access providers
- Telecom and Network integrators
- Telecom and Network constructors and equipment suppliers
- Software publishers
- Services and consulting firms
- Major companies with internal IT business (transport, energy, finance, media, health, etc.)
- Public sector
- R&D centres
Professions regularly practised by our graduates include:
- Network architect, Radio engineer, Telecom rollout engineer
- Security engineer, Telecom project manager
- Development engineer, Application engineer
- Study engineer, R&D engineer
- IT consultant
- Pre-sales engineer, Technical sales engineer,
- Business engineer