Every year, the INSA Lyon Telecommunications department welcomes foreign students from our partner universities. Two possibilities are offered:
As part of academic exchanges, students can take a set of 3rd and/or 4th and/or 5th year courses (most of the department’s courses are open to exchange students, subject to availability). Students can also do a laboratory project; either as a final year project, which can last from 10 weeks to a year with full-time lab work, or as a research attachment. A 24-week company internship is also possible, once the student has validated technical courses for at least 15 ECTS and has received approval from the department board.
Exchange students taking all 4th year courses, subject to approval from the department board and approval from the university of origin, can continue on to 5th year and obtain the INSA degree (this would then be considered a “double degree”).
The department also has “double degree” agreements with certain universities – see the specific section for more information.