General presentation of courses
Engineering training in three years
Astus (Student association of the department of Telecommunications, Uses & Services) works to energise department life, promote TC in external events and create an activity centre for students.
Bâtiment Hedy Lamarr - INSA Lyon
6 avenue des arts
69621 Villeurbanne cedex
Bâtiment G
20 av Albert Einstein
69628 VILLEURBANNE cedex
Student association of the Telecommunications, Uses & Services department.
Since 2013, the department of Telecommunications, Services & Uses has offered a three-year apprenticeship programme for 18 apprentices.
The Telecommunications department trains engineers in the fields of architecture, networks and communications systems, applications and associated services.
The Telecommunications department was created in 1998 to respond to the enormous growth in telecommunications. With a strong “services and uses” orientation, it covers the fields of Company networks, Voice/Data/Image communication systems and Tools for mobility.